Това е работният блог на учениците от НУ "Св. Софроний Врачански" - гр. Враца с кл. р-л г-жа Лиляна Лазарова. В продължение на четири години тук ще се отразяват значими събития от училищния им живот и родителите ще намират важна информация относно обучението и възпитанието на децата си.
Поставихме началото на светлите
Коледни празници със специален поздрав към нашите родители.
„Коледна приказка за доброто“ е нашата вяра! Да позволим сърцата ни да се отворят към света. Да си спомним, че въпреки многото трудности, доброто съществува. Да прегърнем близките и да им кажем колко много ги обичаме!
„Народните приказки са
първата здрава духовна храна за малките - пише Ран Босилек. - Разказани на
звучен и сладък роден език, те са като майчино мляко, като роден планински
въздух за детето.“
Искате ли да научите
как лисицата надхитрила гладния тигър, как малката мравка успяла с находчивост
да се сдобие с храна за зимата, кой бил нечуваният звяр в плевнята на
страхливия селянин, как Ежко и къртът садили пшеница и още много забавни и
поучителни приказки, разкази от великия писател Ран Босилек, тогава не се
бавете и книгите му разгърнете!
Това направихме и ние
днесс помощта на съучениците ни Памела
и Виктория!
Днес активно се включихме в
благотворителната инициатива „Да помогнем на децата от Буркина Фасо“ и успешно
продадохме 66 броя календари, в изработването на които участваха Теодор и мама
Тони. Събрахме 135 лв., предадохме ги за превеждане по сметката на Асоциация AFT
Burkina и сме горди, че ще помогнем за построяване на водна кула със соларна
помпена система в селцето Сенсо.
С това
стихотворение, като с вълшебно ключе, обичаният български творец Валери Петров
отключва пред нас вратичката на своите “Пет приказки”.
Часът започна с кръстословица,
отговорът на която беше името на Валери Петров. Интересен момент беше
драматизацията на откъс от „Копче за сън“. Роберто представи богато табло,
което съдържаше интересна информация за живота и творчеството на Валери Петров,
показа презентация от електронния ни учебник. Прочетохме любимите си откъси от
стихотворенията и приказките му. В края на часа имаше викторина, почерпиха ни със сладки бонбони, получихме червени сърца със стихотворение за приятелството и усмивки с пожелания да бъдем по-добри и по-сърдечни.
Екип 3, работещ по проект "Дигитални приказки", представи полска легенда за град Краков.
The Legend of Smok Wawelski
many years ago, when Krakow was still the capital of Poland, there lived in the
castle on the Wawel mountain King Krak with his daughter Wanda. All the
citizens in Krakow loved their kind-hearted King and the loving Wanda. For many
years everyone lived peacefully and provided for the well-being of their town.
Amongst them lived one of the cobbler's family, a capable and hard-working
apprentice by the name of Dratewka. One day the in a cave in the Wawel
mountains, an evil dragon had settled. He had three heads and his body was
covered in scales. When he was angry he went into such a rage that the
mountains shook and he breathed fire and smoke from his mouth. He made the
whole town afraid. In order to calm him down the people put a sheep in front of
his cave everyday. But this was not enough for him. Once a year even a small
girl had to be sacrificed.
of the citizens tried to fight against the dragon. However, noone was able to
beat him. The council of elders spent days and nights trying to find a solution
but they couldn't find one. At long last there were no more girls left in
Krakow, only Princess Wanda. The dragon became more and more impatient. Since
there were no other girls to be found everyone knew that it was the king's
aughter's turn. There was great mourning all over Krakow. The king announced to
the whole country that he was looking for a brave knight who could defeat the
dragon. Many courageous knights came and fought without success against the
beast. Most were killed in their fight. When all hope had been abandoned, the
cobbler's apprentice, Dratewka, appeared before the King. He asked for
permission to fight the dragon. The king listened and agreed to what he
was intending to do. The young man got to work on his plan straight away. From
the butcher he got himself a sheepskin. From all the citizens he collected
brimstone, salt, pepper and pitch. He filled the sheepskin with these and sewed
it up tightly so it looked like a real sheep. At night he put the
"sheep" in front of the entrance to the cave. The next morning the
hungry dragon came out of the cave and ate up the sheep straight away. Shortly
afterwards he felt a terrible burning all over his body. He tried to stop the
burning by drinking massive amounts of water. He drank so much that the bed of
the river Wisla could be seen. He carried on drinking until eventually he
exploded with an enormous bang. There was great joy throughout Krakow. Dratewka
married Wanda and they lived happily together for a very long time to come.
Екип 2, работещ по проект "Дигитални приказки", представи литовската народна приказка "Сивата котка и златната рибка".
The Gray Cat and The Gold Fish
by Raymond Balta
Not far from the Baltic Sea lived a gray cat and a
goldfish. The cat was the prince of the house. He ruled the house very well,
not one mouse could be seen. The goldfish was the home's show piece. All day
long the goldfish swam around and beams of light reflected from the ceiling. The
cat and the fish weren't friends because they could not comunicate.
One day the owner went out to the village and forgot
to leave out the cat food. After a while the cat got very hungry. He walked
around the house and constantly saw the goldfish on the table. Then an urge
came over him. The goldfish tempted him very much while swimming. So, the cat
began to creep very quietly behind the goldfish. Oh, the goldfish saw the cat
out of corner of one eye and stopped swimming. The cat very quietly climbed up
on the table and started to stick his head into the fish bowl. The goldfish
looks at the cat from one eye. The cat's head comes closer. The oldfish's eye gets bigger and looks into the
cat's eyes. The cat moves to spring. The goldfish sees how the cat is nearing.
Suddenly! The gold fish lunged forward and started
to bark Wrrrrruuuf, Wrrrrruuf, Wrrrrruuf, Wrrrrruuf [understood by all dogs and
cats] The cat became frightened and ran outside.You see, when there is
communication there is no misunderstanding.